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Legend (OneGeology/ATA_SCAR_GeoMAP_Geology)

ATA_SCAR_250k_Simple_Geology (1)
Seasonal water and ice Seasonal water and ice
Unknown or unclassified rock Unknown or unclassified rock
Unconsolidated colluvium, talus, alluvium and undifferentiated till Unconsolidated colluvium, talus, alluvium and undifferentiated till
Youngest glacial gravel, till and supraglacial material (Holocene) Youngest glacial gravel, till and supraglacial material (Holocene)
Unconsolidated coastal ice-shelf till, beach or lake deposits Unconsolidated coastal ice-shelf till, beach or lake deposits
Older glacial gravel and till (Miocene-Quaternary) Older glacial gravel and till (Miocene-Quaternary)
Sedimentary rock with interbedded volcanic or volcaniclastic rock Sedimentary rock with interbedded volcanic or volcaniclastic rock
Volcanic rock - basalt to rhyolite lava flows and pyroclastic material Volcanic rock - basalt to rhyolite lava flows and pyroclastic material
Intrusive rock - granite, granodiorite, gabbro, or syenite (Eocene-Oligocene) Intrusive rock - granite, granodiorite, gabbro, or syenite (Eocene-Oligocene)
Sedimentary and volcanic rocks, pyroclastic material (Jurassic to Paleogene) Sedimentary and volcanic rocks, pyroclastic material (Jurassic to Paleogene)
Volcanic rock (Jurassic-Paleogene) Volcanic rock (Jurassic-Paleogene)
Ferrar Igneous Province and related volcanic and sedimentary rock (Jurassic) Ferrar Igneous Province and related volcanic and sedimentary rock (Jurassic)
Silicic volcanic and continental sedimentary rock (Jurassic) Silicic volcanic and continental sedimentary rock (Jurassic)
Unmetamorphosed granitoid, gabbro and other intrusive rock Unmetamorphosed granitoid, gabbro and other intrusive rock
Metamorphosed gneiss and migmatite (Triassic, Cretaceous) Metamorphosed gneiss and migmatite (Triassic, Cretaceous)
Beacon Supergroup and other sandstone-rich sedimentary rock (Devonian-Triassic) Beacon Supergroup and other sandstone-rich sedimentary rock (Devonian-Triassic)
Intrusive rock - granitoid, diorite, gabbro and orthogneiss Intrusive rock - granitoid, diorite, gabbro and orthogneiss
Folded low-grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rock Folded low-grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rock
Low to medium-grade metamorphic rock - schist, marble, metavolcanic, metasandstone Low to medium-grade metamorphic rock - schist, marble, metavolcanic, metasandstone
High-grade metamorphic rock - orthogneiss, paragneiss, schist and amphibolite High-grade metamorphic rock - orthogneiss, paragneiss, schist and amphibolite
Metamorphic and intrusive rock - schist, gneiss, granulite, migmatite and anatectite Metamorphic and intrusive rock - schist, gneiss, granulite, migmatite and anatectite
ATA_SCAR_250k_Geological_Units (2)
seasonal water seasonal water
outcrop of unknown rock type outcrop of unknown rock type
cover sediments cover sediments
cover sediments cover sediments
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
cover sediments cover sediments
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks
volcanic rocks volcanic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
unassigned lithology unassigned lithology
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
intrusive rocks intrusive rocks
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks
ATA_SCAR_250k_Mapped_faults (4)
Fault exposed, location accurate Fault exposed, location accurate
Fault exposed, location approximate Fault exposed, location approximate
Fault concealed, location approximate Fault concealed, location approximate
Fault inferred, location accuracy unknown Fault inferred, location accuracy unknown
ATA_SCAR_250k_Mapped_faults_downthrown_side_unknown (5)
Fault exposed, location accurate Fault exposed, location accurate
Fault inferred, location accuracy unknown Fault inferred, location accuracy unknown
Fault concealed, location approximate Fault concealed, location approximate
Fault exposed, location approximate Fault exposed, location approximate
ATA_SCAR_250k_Mapped_faults_downthrown_side_known (6)
Fault exposed, location accurate Fault exposed, location accurate
Fault exposed, location approximate Fault exposed, location approximate
Fault concealed, location approximate Fault concealed, location approximate
Fault inferred, location accuracy unknown Fault inferred, location accuracy unknown
Thrust exposed, location accurate Thrust exposed, location accurate
Thrust exposed, location approximate Thrust exposed, location approximate
Thrust concealed, location approximate Thrust concealed, location approximate
Thrust inferred, location accuracy unknown Thrust inferred, location accuracy unknown