Regions (0)
Mineral.Planning.Authorities (1)
Mineral.Planning.Permissions (2)
| Planning Permissions |
Mineral.Planning.Permissions.Points (3)
| Planning Permissions centroids |
Opencast.Coal.worked area.2006 (4)
Mines.and.quarries (5)
| Active |
| Ceased |
| Dormant |
| Inactive |
| Special |
Historic.Slate.Quarries.Wales (6)
Historic.Building.Stone.Quarries.Wales.Scotland (7)
Hydrocarbon.Wells (8)
| Hydrocarbon Wells |
Hydrocarbon.Licence.Area (9)
| Hydrocarbon Licence Areas |
Hydrocarbon.Licence.Area.Points (10)
| Hydrocarbon Licence Area centroids |
Coal.Licence.Area (11)
| Coal Licence Areas |
Coal.Licence.Area.Points (12)
| Coal Licence Area centroids |
Mineral.Exploration.Investment.Grants.Act (13)
| Mineral Exploration Investment Grants Act |
Mineral.Reconnaissance.Programme (14)
| Mineral Reconnaissance Programme |
Vein.Minerals (15)
| Fluorspar: Major fluorite-bearing veins |
| Barytes: Major baryte-bearing veins |
Metallic.Minerals.Wales (16)
Mineral.Assessment.Area (17)
| |
| Celestite |
| Clay |
| Conglomerate Resources |
| Fireclay |
| Hard Rock Resources |
| Limestone |
| Sand and Gravel |
| Silica Sand |
Glacial.Limit (18)
| Approximate limit of Anglian ice sheet |
Chalk (19)
| Concealed higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3) where overburden does not exceed five metres: Cretaceous |
| Concealed lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3) where overburden does not exceed five metres: Cretaceous |
| Higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3): Cretaceous |
| Higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3): Cretaceous, White Chalk Subgroup |
| Lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3): Cretaceous |
| Lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3): Cretaceous, Grey Chalk Subgroup |
Brick.Clay (20)
| Lake deposits - Quaternary |
| Common shale for brick - Carboniferous: Lower Limestone Formation |
| Common shale for brick coincident with areas of shallow coal |
| Brick clay: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone Group (principal brick clay resource Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Isle of Axholme, N. Lincolnshire only) |
| Brick clay: Quaternary, Brickearth (Faversham - Sittingbourne area, Kent and Southend areas only) |
| Brick clay: Quaternary, Reading Formation/Clay-with-flints (Chesham area, Bucks and Hemel Hempstead areas only) |
| Brick Clay: Jurassic, Oxford Clay, Peterborough Member (underlying thin superficial deposits) |
| Brick Clay: Jurassic, Oxford Clay, Peterborough Member (no overlying superficial deposits) |
| Brick clay: Devonian Slate (Plymouth area only) |
| Brick clay: Carboniferous, Alveley Member (extent shown in areas where the unit has been worked) |
| Brick clay: Carboniferous, Crackington Formation (Exeter area only) |
| Brick clay: Carboniferous, Ruabon (Etruria) Formation (Extent shown only where unit is not concealed by overburden) |
| Brick clay: Carboniferous, Etruria Formation (principal brick clay resource) |
| Brick clay: Carboniferous, Coal Measures mudstones (coincident with shallow coal) |
| Brick clay: Cretaceous, Wadhurst Clay Formation |
| Brick clay: Cretaceous, Weald Clay Formation |
| Brick clay: Palaeogene, Reading Formation (Hants only) |
| Brick clay: Quaternary, Norwich Crag Formation, Chillesford Clay |
| Brick clay: Quaternary, glaciolacustrine deposits (clay and silt) |
| Brick clay: Quaternary, interglacial lake clay (Colchester area only) |
| Brick clay: Recent, alluvium/Tidal Flat deposits (in areas of workings only) |
| Brick clay |
| Brick clay beneath overburden less then five metres |
Peat (21)
| Peat, generally more then one metre thick |
| Peat: Recent |
| Peat |
Fireclay (22)
| Ayrshire Bauxitic Clay - Carboniferous Passage Formation |
| Coincident with Silica sand |
| Coincident with shallow coal |
| Fireclay and siliceous clay: Jurassic, Rutland Formation |
| Fireclay: Carboniferous, Coal Measures (coincident with shallow coal) |
| Fireclay: Carboniferous, Pottery Clays Formation (principal resource) |
Igneous.Rock (23)
| Felsite dykes |
| Volcanic (extrusive) rocks: Eycott Volcanic Group - mainly andesite |
| Charnian (minor intrusives & volcanics) |
| Intrusive rocks: acid and intermediate rocks - mainly granitic and diorites |
| Thermally altered (hornfels) rocks |
| Extrusive (lavas, tuff and volcanic ash) |
| Intrusive rocks: basic rocks - mainly gabbro and dolerite |
| Volcanic (extrusive) rocks: Borrowdale Volcanic Group - mainly andesite, tuff and volcanic sandstone |
| Stockingford Shale (host for diorite in Warwickshire) |
| Alkali Dolerite |
| Diorites hosted by Stockingford Shale |
| Dolerite (Whin Sill) |
| Granite |
| Granite-diorite, Malvern Complex |
| Igneous intrusive, Dolerite |
| Intrusive and volcanic rocks, Precambrian / Cambrian |
| Mafic igneous rock (intrusive and extrusive) |
| Minor intrusives, Ercall granophyre |
| Minor intrusives, porphyritic felsite |
| Olivine-Dolerite sills and felsic intrusions |
| Other igneous rocks, including basalts, trachytes, andesites, dolerites and associated intrusions |
| Quartz-Dolerite sills and dykes (Midland Valley Sill-Complex) |
| Ultramafic rock |
| Dolerite intrusions with potential for high specification aggregate |
| Other igneous rocks including basalts, felsites, gabbros, tuffs and granites |
Limestone (24)
| Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Carboniferous |
| Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Cadeby and Brotherton formations (Magnesian Limestone) |
| Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Lower Magnesian Limestone |
| Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Middle Magnesian Limestone |
| Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Upper Magnesian Limestone |
| Ironstone: Jurassic, Marlstone Rock Formation |
| Ironstone: Jurassic, Northampton Sand Formation |
| Limestone - Carboniferous: Lower and Upper Limestone formations |
| Limestone with interbedded mudstone: Silurian (and some Carboniferous) |
| Limestone: Carboniferous |
| Limestone: Carboniferous, concealed (inferred extent) |
| Limestone: Carboniferous, high purity (>97% CaCO3) |
| Limestone: Carboniferous, very high purity (>98% CaCO3) |
| Limestone: Cretaceous, Hythe Formation (Kentish Rag) |
| Limestone: Devonian |
| Limestone: Jurassic |
| Limestone: Jurassic, Blue Lias Formation (eastern extent inferred) |
| Limestone: Jurassic, Lincolnshire Limestone / Malton Oolite (in N.Yorks) |
| Limestone: Jurassic, Portland Stone Formation and Todber Freestone |
| Limestone: Jurassic, Purbeck Group |
| Limestone: Oligocene, Bembridge Limestone Formation |
| Limestone: Other |
Sandstone (25)
| Sandstone with potential for high specification aggregate: Ordovician and Silurian, Kirkby Moor Formation, Coniston Group and Wray Castle Formation |
| Greywacke sandstone - Ordivician and Silurian |
| Sandstone: Cambrian, Ordovician Quartzites |
| Sandstone: Carboniferous, Cromhall Formation and Grovesend Formation |
| Sandstone: Carboniferous, Millstone Grit and Coal Measures |
| Sandstone: Carboniferous, Pennant Sandstone Formation |
| Sandstone: Devonian and Carboniferous sandstone-bearing strata |
| Sandstone: Lower Cretaceous, Carstone Formation |
| Sandstone: Pre-Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian Greywacke |
| Sandstone: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone (Building stone) |
| Sandstone with potential for high specification aggregate |
| Interbedded sandstones and mudstones (only on GIS) |
| Other sandstone |
Silica.Sand (26)
| Blown sand |
| Construction and silica sand: Recent, Shirdley Hill Sand |
| Quartz conglomerate, coincident with Crushed Rock (Douglas Muir Quartz Conglomerate Member) |
| Quartzitic sandstone with potential for silica sand and silica rock |
| Silica sand (construction sand): Cretaceous: Lower Greensand (Folkestone Formation) |
| Silica sand and clay: Palaeogene, St Agnes Formation: |
| Silica sand coincident with fireclay |
| Silica sand: Carboniferous, Millstone Grit |
| Silica sand: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands |
| Silica sand: Quaternary (approximate extent of area worked for silica sand in Cheshire) |
| Silica sand: Quaternary blown sand deposits (N. Lincolnshire only) |
| Silica sand: Recent, Approximate extent of intertidal deposits near worked areas |
Potash (27)
| Potash: Permian, Boulby Potash (approximate subsurface extent of potash bearing strata |
Gypsum (28)
| Gypsum - bearing host rock: Jurassic, Purbeck Limestone Group |
| Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: A Bed outcrop |
| Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: B Bed outcrop |
| Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: C Bed outcrop |
| Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: D Bed outcrop |
| Gypsum: Permian, extent of Eden Shales/St Bees Shales |
| Gypsum: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone, Cropwell Bishop Formation (inferred extent of Tutbury Gypsum and Newark Gypsum) |
| Gypsum\Anhydrite: Permian, approximate western limit of Billingham anhydrite |
| Gypsum\Anhydrite: Permian, approximate western limit of Hartlepool anhydrite |
Salt (29)
| Salt: Permian (approximate sub-surface extent of salt bearing strata) |
| Salt: Triassic (approx sub-surface extent of salt-bearing strata) |
| Salt: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone (dry-rock head) |
| Salt: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone (wet-rock head) |
| Salt (wet-rockhead) |
Evaporites (30)
Ball.Clay (31)
| Ball clay: Palaeogene, Bovey Formation (Bovey and Petrockstowe Basins) |
| Ball clay: Palaeogene, Poole Formation, Creekmoor, Oakdale, Broadstone and Parkstone clays (Wareham Basin) |
Kaolin (32)
| Kaolin: Inferred resources |
| Kaolin: Principal resource areas |
Fullers.Earth (33)
| Fuller's earth: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands |
| Fuller's earth: Cretaceous: Lower Greensand (Baulking - Fernham area only) |
| Fuller's earth: Cretaceous: Lower Greensand, Sandgate Formation (Redhill area only) |
| Fuller's earth: Jurassic, Fuller's Earth Formation (inferred extent of Fuller's Earth Bed) |
Slate (34)
| Roofing slate resource areas (Cornwall only) |
| Slate: Lakeland blue-grey slate (Windermere Supergroup) |
| Slate: Lakeland green slate (Borrowdale Volcanic Group) |
| Slate |
| Potential slate resource with recorded workings (only on GIS) |
Slate.Waste (35)
| Slate waste |
Base.of.Coal.Measures.contours (36)
Shallow.Coal (37)
| Buried coal resource overlain by up to 50m overburden |
| Primary opencast coal resource area |
| Secondary opencast coal resource area |
| Tertiary opencast coal resource area |
Coal.2m.thick.600.1200m.depth (38)
| Underground coal resource area (seams at least 2 m thick, between 600 m and 1200 m depth) |
Deep.Coal (39)
| Deep coal at more than 1200m |
| Deep coal between 50m and 1200m |
Superficial.Sand.and.Gravel (40)
| Beach deposits |
| Blown Sand deposits |
| Blown Sand deposits - Concealed resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Blown Sand deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Blown sand |
| China Clay Waste - St Austell China Clay Area |
| Clay-with-flints deposits |
| Crag - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Fan gravel deposits |
| Fan gravel deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Glacigenic, poorly sorted and locally clayey |
| Glaciofluvial deposits |
| Glaciofluvial deposits - Concealed resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Glaciofluvial deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Glaciofluvial deposits - Inferred resources |
| Head gravel deposits |
| Head gravel deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Raised Beach deposits |
| River Terrace deposits |
| River Terrace deposits - Concealed resources |
| River Terrace deposits - Concealed resources in areas assessed by BGS |
| River Terrace deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS |
| River Terrace deposits - Inferred resources |
| River terrace deposits |
| Sub-alluvial |
| Sub-alluvial River Terrace deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS |
| Sub-alluvial River Terrace deposits - Inferred resources |
| Sub-alluvial and river terrace deposits: Inferred resources |
| Sub-alluvial river terrace deposits - Inferred resources |
| Tidal flat |
Bedrock.Sand.and.Gravel (41)
| Bedrock sand and gravel: Eocene, Aller Gravel Formation, Tower Wood Gravel Member and Buller's Hill Gravel Member |
| Bedrock sand and gravel: Palaeogene, Poole Formation and Branksome Sand |
| Bedrock sand and gravel: Permo-Triassic, Dawlish Sandstone (Devon), Bromsgrove Sandstone and Bridgnorth Sandstone (Gloucestershire) |
| Bedrock sand and gravel: Triassic, Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds Formation |
| Bedrock sand and gravel: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone |
| Concealed bedrock sand and gravel: only within areas assessed by BGS |
| Conglomerate resources: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone Group |
| Construction Sand: Permian, Yellow Sands Formation |
| Construction sand (Silica sand in Mansfield area only): Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone Group |
| Construction sand: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands |
| Construction sand: Cretaceous, mainly Lower Greensand Group |
| Construction sand: Jurassic |
| Construction sand: Palaeogene: Thanet Sand Formation, Lambeth Group, Harwich Formation, London Clay Formation |
| Quartz conglomerate (Douglas Muir Quartz Conglomerate Member), Carboniferous: Lawmuir Formation |
| Sandstone and conglomerate beneath overburden less than ten metres |
Oil.Shale (42)
| Oil Shale |
Building.Stone (43)
| Sandstone |
Mineral.Occurrences (44)
Polyhalite (45)
| Polyhalite approximate western limit |