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Legend (GeoIndex_Onshore/minerals_wms)

Regions (0)
Mineral.Planning.Authorities (1)
Mineral.Planning.Permissions (2)
Planning Permissions Planning Permissions
Mineral.Planning.Permissions.Points (3)
Planning Permissions centroids Planning Permissions centroids
Opencast.Coal.worked area.2006 (4)
Mines.and.quarries (5)
Active Active
Ceased Ceased
Dormant Dormant
Inactive Inactive
Special Special
Historic.Slate.Quarries.Wales (6)
Historic.Building.Stone.Quarries.Wales.Scotland (7)
Hydrocarbon.Wells (8)
Hydrocarbon Wells Hydrocarbon Wells
Hydrocarbon.Licence.Area (9)
Hydrocarbon Licence Areas Hydrocarbon Licence Areas
Hydrocarbon.Licence.Area.Points (10)
Hydrocarbon Licence Area centroids Hydrocarbon Licence Area centroids
Coal.Licence.Area (11)
Coal Licence Areas Coal Licence Areas
Coal.Licence.Area.Points (12)
Coal Licence Area centroids Coal Licence Area centroids
Mineral.Exploration.Investment.Grants.Act (13)
Mineral Exploration Investment Grants Act Mineral Exploration Investment Grants Act
Mineral.Reconnaissance.Programme (14)
Mineral Reconnaissance Programme Mineral Reconnaissance Programme
Vein.Minerals (15)
Fluorspar: Major fluorite-bearing veins Fluorspar: Major fluorite-bearing veins
Barytes: Major baryte-bearing veins Barytes: Major baryte-bearing veins
Metallic.Minerals.Wales (16)
Mineral.Assessment.Area (17)
Celestite Celestite
Clay Clay
Conglomerate Resources Conglomerate Resources
Fireclay Fireclay
Hard Rock Resources Hard Rock Resources
Limestone Limestone
Sand and Gravel Sand and Gravel
Silica Sand Silica Sand
Glacial.Limit (18)
Approximate limit of Anglian ice sheet Approximate limit of Anglian ice sheet
Chalk (19)
Concealed higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3) where overburden does not exceed five metres: Cretaceous Concealed higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3) where overburden does not exceed five metres: Cretaceous
Concealed lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3) where overburden does not exceed five metres: Cretaceous Concealed lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3) where overburden does not exceed five metres: Cretaceous
Higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3): Cretaceous Higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3): Cretaceous
Higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3): Cretaceous, White Chalk Subgroup Higher purity chalk (93-98% CaCO3): Cretaceous, White Chalk Subgroup
Lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3): Cretaceous Lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3): Cretaceous
Lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3): Cretaceous, Grey Chalk Subgroup Lower purity chalk (<93% CaCO3): Cretaceous, Grey Chalk Subgroup
Brick.Clay (20)
Lake deposits - Quaternary Lake deposits - Quaternary
Common shale for brick - Carboniferous: Lower Limestone Formation Common shale for brick - Carboniferous: Lower Limestone Formation
Common shale for brick coincident with areas of shallow coal Common shale for brick coincident with areas of shallow coal
Brick clay: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone Group (principal brick clay resource Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Isle of Axholme, N. Lincolnshire only) Brick clay: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone Group (principal brick clay resource Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Isle of Axholme, N. Lincolnshire only)
Brick clay: Quaternary, Brickearth (Faversham - Sittingbourne area, Kent and Southend areas only) Brick clay: Quaternary, Brickearth (Faversham - Sittingbourne area, Kent and Southend areas only)
Brick clay: Quaternary, Reading Formation/Clay-with-flints (Chesham area, Bucks and Hemel Hempstead areas only) Brick clay: Quaternary, Reading Formation/Clay-with-flints (Chesham area, Bucks and Hemel Hempstead areas only)
Brick Clay: Jurassic, Oxford Clay, Peterborough Member (underlying thin superficial deposits) Brick Clay: Jurassic, Oxford Clay, Peterborough Member (underlying thin superficial deposits)
Brick Clay: Jurassic, Oxford Clay, Peterborough Member (no overlying superficial deposits) Brick Clay: Jurassic, Oxford Clay, Peterborough Member (no overlying superficial deposits)
Brick clay: Devonian Slate (Plymouth area only) Brick clay: Devonian Slate (Plymouth area only)
Brick clay: Carboniferous, Alveley Member (extent shown in areas where the unit has been worked) Brick clay: Carboniferous, Alveley Member (extent shown in areas where the unit has been worked)
Brick clay: Carboniferous, Crackington Formation (Exeter area only) Brick clay: Carboniferous, Crackington Formation (Exeter area only)
Brick clay: Carboniferous, Ruabon (Etruria) Formation (Extent shown only where unit is not concealed by overburden) Brick clay: Carboniferous, Ruabon (Etruria) Formation (Extent shown only where unit is not concealed by overburden)
Brick clay: Carboniferous, Etruria Formation (principal brick clay resource) Brick clay: Carboniferous, Etruria Formation (principal brick clay resource)
Brick clay: Carboniferous, Coal Measures mudstones (coincident with shallow coal) Brick clay: Carboniferous, Coal Measures mudstones (coincident with shallow coal)
Brick clay: Cretaceous, Wadhurst Clay Formation Brick clay: Cretaceous, Wadhurst Clay Formation
Brick clay: Cretaceous, Weald Clay Formation Brick clay: Cretaceous, Weald Clay Formation
Brick clay: Palaeogene, Reading Formation (Hants only) Brick clay: Palaeogene, Reading Formation (Hants only)
Brick clay: Quaternary, Norwich Crag Formation, Chillesford Clay Brick clay: Quaternary, Norwich Crag Formation, Chillesford Clay
Brick clay: Quaternary, glaciolacustrine deposits (clay and silt) Brick clay: Quaternary, glaciolacustrine deposits (clay and silt)
Brick clay: Quaternary, interglacial lake clay (Colchester area only) Brick clay: Quaternary, interglacial lake clay (Colchester area only)
Brick clay: Recent, alluvium/Tidal Flat deposits (in areas of workings only) Brick clay: Recent, alluvium/Tidal Flat deposits (in areas of workings only)
Brick clay Brick clay
Brick clay beneath overburden less then five metres Brick clay beneath overburden less then five metres
Peat (21)
Peat, generally more then one metre thick Peat, generally more then one metre thick
Peat: Recent Peat: Recent
Peat Peat
Fireclay (22)
Ayrshire Bauxitic Clay - Carboniferous Passage Formation Ayrshire Bauxitic Clay - Carboniferous Passage Formation
Coincident with Silica sand Coincident with Silica sand
Coincident with shallow coal Coincident with shallow coal
Fireclay and siliceous clay: Jurassic, Rutland Formation Fireclay and siliceous clay: Jurassic, Rutland Formation
Fireclay: Carboniferous, Coal Measures (coincident with shallow coal) Fireclay: Carboniferous, Coal Measures (coincident with shallow coal)
Fireclay: Carboniferous, Pottery Clays Formation (principal resource) Fireclay: Carboniferous, Pottery Clays Formation (principal resource)
Igneous.Rock (23)
Felsite dykes Felsite dykes
Volcanic (extrusive) rocks: Eycott Volcanic Group - mainly andesite Volcanic (extrusive) rocks: Eycott Volcanic Group - mainly andesite
Charnian (minor intrusives & volcanics) Charnian (minor intrusives & volcanics)
Intrusive rocks: acid and intermediate rocks - mainly granitic and diorites Intrusive rocks: acid and intermediate rocks - mainly granitic and diorites
Thermally altered (hornfels) rocks Thermally altered (hornfels) rocks
Extrusive (lavas, tuff and volcanic ash) Extrusive (lavas, tuff and volcanic ash)
Intrusive rocks: basic rocks - mainly gabbro and dolerite Intrusive rocks: basic rocks - mainly gabbro and dolerite
Volcanic (extrusive) rocks: Borrowdale Volcanic Group - mainly andesite, tuff and volcanic sandstone Volcanic (extrusive) rocks: Borrowdale Volcanic Group - mainly andesite, tuff and volcanic sandstone
Stockingford Shale (host for diorite in Warwickshire) Stockingford Shale (host for diorite in Warwickshire)
Alkali Dolerite Alkali Dolerite
Diorites hosted by Stockingford Shale Diorites hosted by Stockingford Shale
Dolerite (Whin Sill) Dolerite (Whin Sill)
Granite Granite
Granite-diorite, Malvern Complex Granite-diorite, Malvern Complex
Igneous intrusive, Dolerite Igneous intrusive, Dolerite
Intrusive and volcanic rocks, Precambrian / Cambrian Intrusive and volcanic rocks, Precambrian / Cambrian
Mafic igneous rock (intrusive and extrusive) Mafic igneous rock (intrusive and extrusive)
Minor intrusives, Ercall granophyre Minor intrusives, Ercall granophyre
Minor intrusives, porphyritic felsite Minor intrusives, porphyritic felsite
Olivine-Dolerite sills and felsic intrusions Olivine-Dolerite sills and felsic intrusions
Other igneous rocks, including basalts, trachytes, andesites, dolerites and associated intrusions Other igneous rocks, including basalts, trachytes, andesites, dolerites and associated intrusions
Quartz-Dolerite sills and dykes (Midland Valley Sill-Complex) Quartz-Dolerite sills and dykes (Midland Valley Sill-Complex)
Ultramafic rock Ultramafic rock
Dolerite intrusions with potential for high specification aggregate Dolerite intrusions with potential for high specification aggregate
Other igneous rocks including basalts, felsites, gabbros, tuffs and granites Other igneous rocks including basalts, felsites, gabbros, tuffs and granites
Limestone (24)
Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Carboniferous Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Carboniferous
Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Cadeby and Brotherton formations (Magnesian Limestone) Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Cadeby and Brotherton formations (Magnesian Limestone)
Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Lower Magnesian Limestone Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Lower Magnesian Limestone
Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Middle Magnesian Limestone Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Middle Magnesian Limestone
Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Upper Magnesian Limestone Dolomite and dolomitic limestone: Permian, Upper Magnesian Limestone
Ironstone: Jurassic, Marlstone Rock Formation Ironstone: Jurassic, Marlstone Rock Formation
Ironstone: Jurassic, Northampton Sand Formation Ironstone: Jurassic, Northampton Sand Formation
Limestone - Carboniferous: Lower and Upper Limestone formations Limestone - Carboniferous: Lower and Upper Limestone formations
Limestone with interbedded mudstone: Silurian (and some Carboniferous) Limestone with interbedded mudstone: Silurian (and some Carboniferous)
Limestone: Carboniferous Limestone: Carboniferous
Limestone: Carboniferous, concealed (inferred extent) Limestone: Carboniferous, concealed (inferred extent)
Limestone: Carboniferous, high purity (>97% CaCO3) Limestone: Carboniferous, high purity (>97% CaCO3)
Limestone: Carboniferous, very high purity (>98% CaCO3) Limestone: Carboniferous, very high purity (>98% CaCO3)
Limestone: Cretaceous, Hythe Formation (Kentish Rag) Limestone: Cretaceous, Hythe Formation (Kentish Rag)
Limestone: Devonian Limestone: Devonian
Limestone: Jurassic Limestone: Jurassic
Limestone: Jurassic, Blue Lias Formation (eastern extent inferred) Limestone: Jurassic, Blue Lias Formation (eastern extent inferred)
Limestone: Jurassic, Lincolnshire Limestone / Malton Oolite (in N.Yorks) Limestone: Jurassic, Lincolnshire Limestone / Malton Oolite (in N.Yorks)
Limestone: Jurassic, Portland Stone Formation and Todber Freestone Limestone: Jurassic, Portland Stone Formation and Todber Freestone
Limestone: Jurassic, Purbeck Group Limestone: Jurassic, Purbeck Group
Limestone: Oligocene, Bembridge Limestone Formation Limestone: Oligocene, Bembridge Limestone Formation
Limestone: Other Limestone: Other
Sandstone (25)
Sandstone with potential for high specification aggregate: Ordovician and Silurian, Kirkby Moor Formation, Coniston Group and Wray Castle Formation Sandstone with potential for high specification aggregate: Ordovician and Silurian, Kirkby Moor Formation, Coniston Group and Wray Castle Formation
Greywacke sandstone - Ordivician and Silurian Greywacke sandstone - Ordivician and Silurian
Sandstone: Cambrian, Ordovician Quartzites Sandstone: Cambrian, Ordovician Quartzites
Sandstone: Carboniferous, Cromhall Formation and Grovesend Formation Sandstone: Carboniferous, Cromhall Formation and Grovesend Formation
Sandstone: Carboniferous, Millstone Grit and Coal Measures Sandstone: Carboniferous, Millstone Grit and Coal Measures
Sandstone: Carboniferous, Pennant Sandstone Formation Sandstone: Carboniferous, Pennant Sandstone Formation
Sandstone: Devonian and Carboniferous sandstone-bearing strata Sandstone: Devonian and Carboniferous sandstone-bearing strata
Sandstone: Lower Cretaceous, Carstone Formation Sandstone: Lower Cretaceous, Carstone Formation
Sandstone: Pre-Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian Greywacke Sandstone: Pre-Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian Greywacke
Sandstone: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone (Building stone) Sandstone: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone (Building stone)
Sandstone with potential for high specification aggregate Sandstone with potential for high specification aggregate
Interbedded sandstones and mudstones (only on GIS) Interbedded sandstones and mudstones (only on GIS)
Other sandstone Other sandstone
Silica.Sand (26)
Blown sand Blown sand
Construction and silica sand: Recent, Shirdley Hill Sand Construction and silica sand: Recent, Shirdley Hill Sand
Quartz conglomerate, coincident with Crushed Rock (Douglas Muir Quartz Conglomerate Member) Quartz conglomerate, coincident with Crushed Rock (Douglas Muir Quartz Conglomerate Member)
Quartzitic sandstone with potential for silica sand and silica rock Quartzitic sandstone with potential for silica sand and silica rock
Silica sand (construction sand): Cretaceous: Lower Greensand (Folkestone Formation) Silica sand (construction sand): Cretaceous: Lower Greensand (Folkestone Formation)
Silica sand and clay: Palaeogene, St Agnes Formation: Silica sand and clay: Palaeogene, St Agnes Formation:
Silica sand coincident with fireclay Silica sand coincident with fireclay
Silica sand: Carboniferous, Millstone Grit Silica sand: Carboniferous, Millstone Grit
Silica sand: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands Silica sand: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands
Silica sand: Quaternary (approximate extent of area worked for silica sand in Cheshire) Silica sand: Quaternary (approximate extent of area worked for silica sand in Cheshire)
Silica sand: Quaternary blown sand deposits (N. Lincolnshire only) Silica sand: Quaternary blown sand deposits (N. Lincolnshire only)
Silica sand: Recent, Approximate extent of intertidal deposits near worked areas Silica sand: Recent, Approximate extent of intertidal deposits near worked areas
Potash (27)
Potash: Permian, Boulby Potash (approximate subsurface extent of potash bearing strata Potash: Permian, Boulby Potash (approximate subsurface extent of potash bearing strata
Gypsum (28)
Gypsum - bearing host rock: Jurassic, Purbeck Limestone Group Gypsum - bearing host rock: Jurassic, Purbeck Limestone Group
Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: A Bed outcrop Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: A Bed outcrop
Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: B Bed outcrop Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: B Bed outcrop
Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: C Bed outcrop Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: C Bed outcrop
Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: D Bed outcrop Gypsum: Permian, Eden Shales/St Bees Shales: D Bed outcrop
Gypsum: Permian, extent of Eden Shales/St Bees Shales Gypsum: Permian, extent of Eden Shales/St Bees Shales
Gypsum: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone, Cropwell Bishop Formation (inferred extent of Tutbury Gypsum and Newark Gypsum) Gypsum: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone, Cropwell Bishop Formation (inferred extent of Tutbury Gypsum and Newark Gypsum)
Gypsum\Anhydrite: Permian, approximate western limit of Billingham anhydrite Gypsum\Anhydrite: Permian, approximate western limit of Billingham anhydrite
Gypsum\Anhydrite: Permian, approximate western limit of Hartlepool anhydrite Gypsum\Anhydrite: Permian, approximate western limit of Hartlepool anhydrite
Salt (29)
Salt: Permian (approximate sub-surface extent of salt bearing strata) Salt: Permian (approximate sub-surface extent of salt bearing strata)
Salt: Triassic (approx sub-surface extent of salt-bearing strata) Salt: Triassic (approx sub-surface extent of salt-bearing strata)
Salt: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone (dry-rock head) Salt: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone (dry-rock head)
Salt: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone (wet-rock head) Salt: Triassic, Mercia Mudstone (wet-rock head)
Salt (wet-rockhead) Salt (wet-rockhead)
Evaporites (30)
Ball.Clay (31)
Ball clay: Palaeogene, Bovey Formation (Bovey and Petrockstowe Basins) Ball clay: Palaeogene, Bovey Formation (Bovey and Petrockstowe Basins)
Ball clay: Palaeogene, Poole Formation, Creekmoor, Oakdale, Broadstone and Parkstone clays (Wareham Basin) Ball clay: Palaeogene, Poole Formation, Creekmoor, Oakdale, Broadstone and Parkstone clays (Wareham Basin)
Kaolin (32)
Kaolin: Inferred resources Kaolin: Inferred resources
Kaolin: Principal resource areas Kaolin: Principal resource areas
Fullers.Earth (33)
Fuller's earth: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands Fuller's earth: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands
Fuller's earth: Cretaceous: Lower Greensand (Baulking - Fernham area only) Fuller's earth: Cretaceous: Lower Greensand (Baulking - Fernham area only)
Fuller's earth: Cretaceous: Lower Greensand, Sandgate Formation (Redhill area only) Fuller's earth: Cretaceous: Lower Greensand, Sandgate Formation (Redhill area only)
Fuller's earth: Jurassic, Fuller's Earth Formation (inferred extent of Fuller's Earth Bed) Fuller's earth: Jurassic, Fuller's Earth Formation (inferred extent of Fuller's Earth Bed)
Slate (34)
Roofing slate resource areas (Cornwall only) Roofing slate resource areas (Cornwall only)
Slate: Lakeland blue-grey slate (Windermere Supergroup) Slate: Lakeland blue-grey slate (Windermere Supergroup)
Slate: Lakeland green slate (Borrowdale Volcanic Group) Slate: Lakeland green slate (Borrowdale Volcanic Group)
Slate Slate
Potential slate resource with recorded workings (only on GIS) Potential slate resource with recorded workings (only on GIS)
Slate.Waste (35)
Slate waste Slate waste
Base.of.Coal.Measures.contours (36)
Shallow.Coal (37)
Buried coal resource overlain by up to 50m overburden Buried coal resource overlain by up to 50m overburden
Primary opencast coal resource area Primary opencast coal resource area
Secondary opencast coal resource area Secondary opencast coal resource area
Tertiary opencast coal resource area Tertiary opencast coal resource area
Coal.2m.thick.600.1200m.depth (38)
Underground coal resource area (seams at least 2 m thick, between 600 m and 1200 m depth) Underground coal resource area (seams at least 2 m thick, between 600 m and 1200 m depth)
Deep.Coal (39)
Deep coal at more than 1200m Deep coal at more than 1200m
Deep coal between 50m and 1200m Deep coal between 50m and 1200m
Superficial.Sand.and.Gravel (40)
Beach deposits Beach deposits
Blown Sand deposits Blown Sand deposits
Blown Sand deposits - Concealed resources in area assessed by BGS Blown Sand deposits - Concealed resources in area assessed by BGS
Blown Sand deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS Blown Sand deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS
Blown sand Blown sand
China Clay Waste - St Austell China Clay Area China Clay Waste - St Austell China Clay Area
Clay-with-flints deposits Clay-with-flints deposits
Crag - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS Crag - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS
Fan gravel deposits Fan gravel deposits
Fan gravel deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS Fan gravel deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS
Glacigenic, poorly sorted and locally clayey Glacigenic, poorly sorted and locally clayey
Glaciofluvial deposits Glaciofluvial deposits
Glaciofluvial deposits - Concealed resources in area assessed by BGS Glaciofluvial deposits - Concealed resources in area assessed by BGS
Glaciofluvial deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS Glaciofluvial deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS
Glaciofluvial deposits - Inferred resources Glaciofluvial deposits - Inferred resources
Head gravel deposits Head gravel deposits
Head gravel deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS Head gravel deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS
Raised Beach deposits Raised Beach deposits
River Terrace deposits River Terrace deposits
River Terrace deposits - Concealed resources River Terrace deposits - Concealed resources
River Terrace deposits - Concealed resources in areas assessed by BGS River Terrace deposits - Concealed resources in areas assessed by BGS
River Terrace deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS River Terrace deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS
River Terrace deposits - Inferred resources River Terrace deposits - Inferred resources
River terrace deposits River terrace deposits
Sub-alluvial Sub-alluvial
Sub-alluvial River Terrace deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS Sub-alluvial River Terrace deposits - Indicated resources in area assessed by BGS
Sub-alluvial River Terrace deposits - Inferred resources Sub-alluvial River Terrace deposits - Inferred resources
Sub-alluvial and river terrace deposits: Inferred resources Sub-alluvial and river terrace deposits: Inferred resources
Sub-alluvial river terrace deposits - Inferred resources Sub-alluvial river terrace deposits - Inferred resources
Tidal flat Tidal flat
Bedrock.Sand.and.Gravel (41)
Bedrock sand and gravel: Eocene, Aller Gravel Formation, Tower Wood Gravel Member and Buller's Hill Gravel Member Bedrock sand and gravel: Eocene, Aller Gravel Formation, Tower Wood Gravel Member and Buller's Hill Gravel Member
Bedrock sand and gravel: Palaeogene, Poole Formation and Branksome Sand Bedrock sand and gravel: Palaeogene, Poole Formation and Branksome Sand
Bedrock sand and gravel: Permo-Triassic, Dawlish Sandstone (Devon), Bromsgrove Sandstone and Bridgnorth Sandstone (Gloucestershire) Bedrock sand and gravel: Permo-Triassic, Dawlish Sandstone (Devon), Bromsgrove Sandstone and Bridgnorth Sandstone (Gloucestershire)
Bedrock sand and gravel: Triassic, Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds Formation Bedrock sand and gravel: Triassic, Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds Formation
Bedrock sand and gravel: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone Bedrock sand and gravel: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone
Concealed bedrock sand and gravel: only within areas assessed by BGS Concealed bedrock sand and gravel: only within areas assessed by BGS
Conglomerate resources: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone Group Conglomerate resources: Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone Group
Construction Sand: Permian, Yellow Sands Formation Construction Sand: Permian, Yellow Sands Formation
Construction sand (Silica sand in Mansfield area only): Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone Group Construction sand (Silica sand in Mansfield area only): Triassic, Sherwood Sandstone Group
Construction sand: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands Construction sand: Cretaceous, Lower Greensand, Woburn Sands
Construction sand: Cretaceous, mainly Lower Greensand Group Construction sand: Cretaceous, mainly Lower Greensand Group
Construction sand: Jurassic Construction sand: Jurassic
Construction sand: Palaeogene: Thanet Sand Formation, Lambeth Group, Harwich Formation, London Clay Formation Construction sand: Palaeogene: Thanet Sand Formation, Lambeth Group, Harwich Formation, London Clay Formation
Quartz conglomerate (Douglas Muir Quartz Conglomerate Member), Carboniferous: Lawmuir Formation Quartz conglomerate (Douglas Muir Quartz Conglomerate Member), Carboniferous: Lawmuir Formation
Sandstone and conglomerate beneath overburden less than ten metres Sandstone and conglomerate beneath overburden less than ten metres
Oil.Shale (42)
Oil Shale Oil Shale
Building.Stone (43)
Sandstone Sandstone
Mineral.Occurrences (44)
Polyhalite (45)
Polyhalite approximate western limit Polyhalite approximate western limit