{ "culture": "en-GB", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "The GeoCoast_v1_Historic_Data_Sections is compiled as a quick reference set of polyline data indicating key locations for coastal sections for parts of mainland England is aimed to be a quick-reference for any relevant coastal sections. The data has been derived from profile section diagrams embedded within the existing BGS Memoirs and reports, BGS Series maps, and GSi3D models (https://www.bgs.ac.uk/datasets/uk3d/). \n\nThe GeoCoast_v1_Historic_Data_Sections dataset is a component of the GeoCoast_v1 dataset product; a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based analysis for indicating multi-hazards and interdependencies within the coastal zone of Great Britain (not including Orkney and Shetland). GeoCoast will offer anyone with assets, or an interest in the coastline around Great Britain, access to easy-to-use datasets linked to geohazard data. This will allow users to interpret potential interdependencies in terms of erosion, flooding, habitat and other vulnerabilities. GeoCoast represents the natural geological coastline (around the mainland of Great Britain) as if no coastal defences or made ground are present. This will be of particular value in areas where coastal defences are no longer maintained. These datasets are divided into two data packages: Coastal domain analyses and Open datasets, which include the following information: \n\nCoastal Domains\n- A coastal domain is a segment of coastline that possesses a character defined by the sum of its basic morphological (e.g. platform, barrier, estuary\u2026) and geological (e.g. soft cliffs, hard cliffs, structure\u2026) properties and behaviour.\n- The analysis of a large number of variables and combinations of data available within the GeoCoast Product, including lithology, cliff strength, foreshore environment and inundation, with additional open source datasets, such as wave power and height, tide height and tidal current speed. \n- A benchmark for describing the coastline and coastal change which is not bound by administrative districts. \n- A total of 11 Coastal Domains provided. \n\nOpen Data\n- Historic records (coastal photographs, diagrams and logs from BGS archives, memoirs, sheet explanations, Regional Guides and maps (coverage for England and parts of Wales).\n- Lines of cross section (geological) from BGS archives and relevant BGS GSi3D models (coverage for parts of England and Scotland.\n- Regional statistics (Local Authority and Shoreline Management Plan regions/areas attributed summary statistics from the baseline GeoCoast datasets, e.g. % length of coastline of high susceptibility to erosion).\n\nThe data is in GIS polyline and polygon data format (ESRI, others available on request).", "summary": "", "title": "GeoCoast_v1 Historic Data Sections", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": "NaN", "maxScale": "NaN", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "British Geological Survey", "licenseInfo": "", "portalUrl": "" }